
  • Episode 11 | Crazy Summer and Sabbath Rest

    Hey friends! You’ll never guess what happened to me this summer…I finally got COVID! Here it’s been 3 and a half years since the pandemic started, and I’ve been clean this whole time. Even got 4 vaccines! But as fate would have it, burnout and lack of sleep led to the perfect storm within my…

  • Our Time is Short, So Live Wisely: On Death and Living Well

    I’d like to say that this Bible study’s topic is a happy one, but that’s…not the case. This Ecclesiastes study focuses on death—something that many don’t really want to think about. But death is coming for all of us, so I think it’s worth thinking about, and so does the Teacher in Ecclesiastes.  Before looking…

  • Episode 10 | AI Generators and the Relationship Between Creation and Creator

    Last summer, AI generators started popping up all over mainstream and social media. I tried using ChatGPT for the first time, and everyone started paying for AI-generated fantasy portraits and posting them all over TikTok and Facebook. I also remember my Twitter feed being overrun with AI-generated song lyrics, most notably a song about ducks…

  • Confession: A Daily Necessity for the Christian Life

    *Originally written in February 2021 Confession is absolutely essential to the Christian faith. You literally cannot be a Christian without confession. It’s a daily necessity. When people hear the word “confession,” many think of Catholicism: Sunday confession, priests, the confession box, etc. Whatever image you have when you hear “confession,” I want you to throw…

  • The Mystery of Time: A Study in Ecclesiastes 3

    The title of this message is, “The Mystery of Time.” Pretty mysterious title, right? But if you really think about it, time is a rather strange, mysterious thing. Time can feel relative at times, but it’s also an objective, finite thing—according to human measuring systems. One hour is 60 minutes, which is 3,600 seconds. No…

  • Hope and Grace in the Midst of Sin

    Hope and Grace in the Midst of Sin

    Let’s go back to the first book of the Bible: Genesis. You may be generally familiar with the creation story of Genesis. However, this study isn’t going to focus on creation. Instead, we’re going to look at Genesis 3, which is an equally (if not more) important story in the Bible. Overview of Genesis 1-2…

  • “Blessed is the One Who Trusts in the LORD”: A  Sunday Chapel Time Study

    This study takes a look at the book of Psalms in the Old Testament. We don’t read from the Psalms very often in Sunday Chapel Time, but Christians and Jews have turned to this poetry for encouragement and comfort for thousands of years. The book of Psalms is basically a book of songs. Many of…

  • Pleasure, Possessions, and Accomplishments are Meaningless

    My fellow missionaries and I have been doing an Ecclesiastes Sunday Chapel Time series for the past several months. In this study’s passage, the Teacher continues to investigate what is good for people to do during their life, focusing on pleasure and accomplishments. Prior to this study, we studied the end of Ecclesiastes 1. We…

  • What is the Bible?: The Basics

    What is the Bible?: The Basics

    The Bible is the #1 best seller in the world and has deeply influenced people in the past as well as the present. But is it really worth believing? Is the Bible truly God’s Word, or is it a work of fiction? Is it merely a piece of literature? A historical record? How was it…