
  • Missionary Opportunities and Ministries in Japan

    Do you have a heart for the Japanese people? Is sharing the good news of the gospel something you feel God is asking you to do? Are you feeling called to serve God’s kingdom globally? If all your answers are “yes,” it sounds like you’re ready to venture out as a missionary. But where do…

  • What do I need to be a missionary in Japan?

    Thinking of being a missionary in Japan? Great! There’s a huge need for mission work in Japan. Christians make up a mere 1% of the Japanese population. And unlike the U.S., most Japanese people know very little about Christianity, if anything. Some Japanese people even think Jesus was a bad guy! (I mean, since he…

  • How to Survive the Hot, Humid Japanese Summers

    **This post contains affiliate links** Let me just say, Japanese summers are HOT. I live in the Kansai area (which is admittedly hotter), but most of Japan does experience hot, humid summers that just kind of suck the life out of you. The heat begins in May, with the humidity ramping up in June during…

  • Praise: The Body of Christ in Shukugawa

    Heavenly Father, I praise You for the work You have done here in Shukugawa. I praise You for the people You have brought into Your kingdom over the years that Shukugawa Bible Church has been serving. I praise You for the powerful testimonies of these church members—and their devotion and love for You. You have…

  • Grocery shopping in Japan for the first time

    Confession: I haven’t really experienced major “culture shock” since moving to Japan. Yes, I’ve only been here for two weeks, and yes, how can I know everything about Japan in just that time? Answer: I can’t. However, as you may or may not have known, I studied Japanese language and culture for four years during…

  • First Sunday at Shukugawa

    First Sunday at Shukugawa

    After arriving in Japan on a Saturday, I hit the ground running at my new church on Sunday. I learned that Sundays at Shukugawa are pretty…how can I say…intense. They’re intense. But I think they’re intense in the best way possible. But first, let me give you a little background information. A Typical Sunday at…