New Testament

  • What is the Bible?: The Basics

    What is the Bible?: The Basics

    The Bible is the #1 best seller in the world and has deeply influenced people in the past as well as the present. But is it really worth believing? Is the Bible truly God’s Word, or is it a work of fiction? Is it merely a piece of literature? A historical record? How was it…

  • Episode 9 | Is Putin a Christian? : The Russian Orthodox Church and a Christian response to the war in Ukraine

    Is Putin really a Christian? Why is he so buddy-buddy with the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church? Is the Russian Orthodox Church a legitimate Christian church? These are just a few of the questions I and other teachers have been asked in my English school here in Japan. And boy, are they doozies. I…

  • Episode 8 | The Gifts (and Challenges) of Being Bilingual

    Being bilingual is great! But it’s not without its challenges. I go through these seasons when my Japanese language abilities are really working. Like, smooth as butter. But I also have phases where I feel like my Japanese is just garbage. I can’t articulate what I want to say well, or I just have frequent…

  • “Ask in Faith Without Doubting.”(James 1:5-8)

    Truth be told, this is actually my second Sunday Chapel Time study that covers this section of James 1. However, I think this is the better study of the two (in my humble opinion), so it gets to be posted first. But first: a little background information. Introduction to James The author is traditionally thought…

  • The Gospel of John: An Introduction

    The Gospel of John: An Introduction

    I’ve decided to begin a Bible study series on the Gospel of John. Why? Well, I’m actually reading through the Book of John with my English students as part of our missionary work. Since I’m already doing the work of Bible study prep for my classes, it seemed to make sense to share what I’m…