
  • Be Strong and Courageous: The Scary Call to Walk By Faith, Not By Sight

    “Haven’t I commanded you: be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9, CSB) ~ It’s a misconception that Christians are supposed to be perfectly “good” or “fixed” once we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Of course, we are…

  • What is the Bible?: The Basics

    What is the Bible?: The Basics

    The Bible is the #1 best seller in the world and has deeply influenced people in the past as well as the present. But is it really worth believing? Is the Bible truly God’s Word, or is it a work of fiction? Is it merely a piece of literature? A historical record? How was it…

  • Peace with Everyone: The Twelve Disciples and Diversity in the Church

    ** Authors Note: You know how I write Sunday Chapel Time Bible studies for my church? Well, I also write messages for the youth group. We call it “Youth Sunday Chapel Time,” or “UC” for short. Once every other month, I have the privilege of writing a bible study of sorts to the junior high…

  • Episode 3 | Communication Styles in Japan, the U.S., and God’s Kingdom

    As an English teacher living in Japan, it’s rather commonplace to discuss the differences in communication styles between the U.S. and Japan. And let me tell you, there are many. But, I feel like most of my students (and fellow teachers) talk about these differences as if one is better than the other. So, in…

  • Reading the Bible is Hard: How to read the Bible every day

    You’ve heard it before. We’ve all heard it before. Reading the Bible is important. It’s the Word of God—the only reliable way to hear God speak and to know God. How can we know God’s truth if we don’t read it? It makes sense, right? But it’s easier said than done. The Bible isn’t exactly…

  • Journey to Bangkok: A City in Darkness

    Hello, friends! It has been a while, hasn’t it? For the last few weeks, I’ve been on summer break from teaching. I’ve been doing my best to rest, and get a little adventuring in while I’m at it. And that brings me to the topic at hand: Bangkok. I had the privilege of traveling to…